Ways to Give

Su­pp­or­ti­ng fo­st­er fa­mil­ie­s is on­e of th­e mo­st me­ani­ngfu­l wa­ys to gi­ve ba­ck to th­e co­mm­uni­ty. Th­ese fa­mil­ie­s pl­ay a vi­tal ro­le in pr­ovi­di­ng sa­fe ho­mes to ch­ild­ren in ne­ed, ye­t th­ey of­ten fa­ce si­gnifi­can­t fi­nanc­ial ch­all­en­ges. At Families 4 Families we be­lieve th­at ev­ery co­ntri­bu­tio­n, bi­g or sm­all, ca­n ma­ke a di­ffe­ren­ce in th­eir li­ves. Th­is gu­ide wi­ll ou­tli­ne di­ffe­ren­t wa­ys yo­u ca­n of­fe­r su­ppo­rt, sh­owi­ng ho­w yo­ur ef­fo­rts ca­n cr­ea­te la­sti­ng ch­ang­e fo­r th­ese fa­mil­ie­s.

Different Ways to Support

Su­pp­or­ti­ng fo­st­er fa­mil­ie­s re­qui­res di­ffe­ren­t fo­rms of co­ntri­bu­tio­n, an­d yo­u ca­n ge­t in­vo­lv­ed in ma­ny wa­ys. Wh­ethe­r yo­u gi­ve on­ce or co­mmi­t to on­go­ing su­ppo­rt, ea­ch op­tion he­lps fo­st­er fa­mil­ie­s th­ri­ve. He­re ar­e so­me di­ffe­ren­t wa­ys yo­u ca­n sh­ow yo­ur su­ppo­rt:

Give a One Time Gift

Make a meaningful impact today by contributing a single donation that supports our mission and creates positive change in the lives of those we serve.

Monthly Giving

Join us as a sustaining partner and make a lasting impact by providing reliable, ongoing support through monthly recurring donations. Your continued generosity helps ensure we can make a difference every day.

Mail Contributions

You can mail all contributions to:
Families 4 Families
3915 Harrison Rd Ste 500
Loganville, GA 30052

Donate items

We are always looking to provide birthday gifts, diapers, family items, and meals for our families! Please follow the Amazon link to select what you want to purchase and we will get it to the appropriate family who needs it!

Corporate Social Responsibility

If your business is looking to partner with us financially, please reach out to Wayne Naugle at

Giving with Stocks + Mutual Funds

By donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, you can enjoy significant tax benefits while making a meaningful difference in supporting foster care in your community! Coming soon.

Planned Giving

Help ensure that future generations grow up supported and cared for by including foster care initiatives in your estate plans. Leave a powerful legacy that will provide stability and hope for children in need, now and for years to come. This giving option is coming soon.

Giving through an IRA

If you are 70 1/2 or older, a gift from your IRA can count toward your required minimum distributions while helping support foster families and children in Georgia.

Giving through DAF

A donor-advised fund is an excellent tool for simplifying your charitable giving and aligning it with your strategic philanthropic goals. Do you have a DAF? The option to give through your DAF is coming soon.

We invite you to join Families 4 Families in supporting foster families and children. Every action, no matter how small, makes a difference. Sharing information and advocating for foster care within your community also plays a key role. Together, we can create lasting change. Your contribution, whether financial or through spreading awareness, has the power to improve lives and help children in foster care reach their full potential. Join us today and make an impact.

Foster With Us

If you are interested in fostering with Families 4 Families or are interested in learning more about fostering, please click the link below.